Save money by reducing demand on air compressors!

We see it every day, customers drill holes in a section of pipe to solve blow-off problems with compressed air. This puts tremendous burden on your already over-stressed air compressors and adds huge energy costs to your budget. Maxumizer® Air Blowers: Saving Money by Reducing Demand on Air Compressors Air compressors are an essential tool…
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Innovative Air Blow-off

Maxum’s mix of creativity and science ensures the success of your applications. Our innovative air blow-off and drying equipment removes most water, liquids, and debris. This is key, because it helps customers in successfully preparing products for assembly, packaging, labelling, inkjet printing, inspection, powder coating, you name it. In most cases this is happening all…
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Long-term Air Solutions

Just like we discussed in our previous blog about the “Evolution of Air Blowers“, Maxum has developed and optimized it’s blowers to be truly industrial, providing companies with powerful energy-efficient air for the “Long-Term”. Why did we do this? The answer is to be a complimentary partner with our customers and business associates. Our easy…
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Maxumizer® Air Nozzles – New Compact Design

A NEW Compact design that produces a powerful directional flow of blower driven air. Its internal nozzle design takes up less space and allows for accurate positioning of the blow-off force created by the nozzle. Combine these with Maxum’s 3D positioning mounting kits for amazing versatility. Many parts shapes and racks that were previously difficult…
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